. .I did a search for an article discussing Google and Privacy. I thought about the words “Google” and “Privacy”. I threw in the word, “virus” as an added filter after the initial search because I am starting to see/think that maybe “Google” is a getting bigger than anyone outside of that company first thought. I then decided to search with the LexisNexis search tool. The reason for it may be obvious, the rest of the possible selections have the preface “Google” all over the entitlement, and so I would think it prudent to try to use what I believe the most unbiased search tool. The search leads me to an article discussing the new “Flu Trends” program developed by Google. The article I found was written by Seth Finkelstein, which was published through “The Guardian” on November 27th, 2008. The format is New Times Roman and in “*.Doc” format. The article is not even a month old, so I think it is fairly new information.
. .The article discusses how “Google” is head and shoulders above the competition in finding trends of people; their track record with Yahoo and Microsoft goes far back. The article goes into the fact that Google has produced a program to sift out searching trends for virus’s and flu’s, to essentially stop an outbreak from happening to the masses with the use of this added technology. The article states that “Harnessing Google’s ability to do extensive real-time monitoring of the search activity of millions of users . . .” This is the ultimate situation staring at me, for somebody or something to have the power to synthesize massive amounts of information and tell what is going to happen and have your history to cross reference that info. It gives me the impression that this should be a Governmental Program and not something bought and sold on the flexible Stock Market.
. .The article has its own merit; the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) which is a privacy group, said of Google’s “Flu Trends”, "Historically, identification through aggregated data has been subject to abuse . . . Therefore, automatic, permanent, one-way anonymisation of such information is necessary." telling of possible biasness regarding the topic in discussion. This denotes possible plans Google may have in store for its own future. Google is setting it-self up to be governmental in its own way, the writer says the “techniques developed to find interests for advertisers are being repurposed” to find outbreaks of disease. It looks like they are vying for a governmental contract.
. .I believe the writer is objectionable and tells the facts they are, but the questions and statements he says are enlightening. The writer says “While people's health concerns should be certainly be treated as confidential, what's being done here is to find methods for automated mass observation.” Leading too “This is even more worrisome when one considers the implications for electronic health records, an area where Google has been very active - whoever gets to be a standard computerization technology provider for the health industry will make a fortunes.”
. .Google is just showing off its skills, letting everyone be put on point that Google is someone to reckon with if not look up too. In very short time, it has take Google very little time to make itself a target of other companies such as Yahoo and Microsoft, and this article does nothing to change that thinking, if fact, it hardens my view on them because it may want to get into the healthcare aspects of governmental works. Healthcare is big business; elections are made and lost over it. Cutting downtime and procedure, as the governmental Medicare system is slow and occasionally unresponsive through my own personal experiences, to then hand it over to a public company is not the best route. If anybody is going to control it, it should be the government. But in these days of internet savvy company’s could this be ancient thinking.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Week 11 The Future of Search
I like Google Labs Experimental, the Alternate views search engine because it is quite interactive with the timeline being a determinant on what your search is. I would have used this a couple of weeks ago if I had know about it because I had a research paper due a last week and I needed some facts based on the 1940’s to 1960’s and this search engine would have been perfect. The Kartoo.com search is good for people who like colors or imagery for a search. The one thing it has over the other is when the icons are highlighted by the mouse it leads to other popular root words that could narrow your search, it gives you clues to other possibly words. The Credo Reference is similar to searches I have dealt with in the past and as of late, it reminds me of the old school yahoo searched in the mid 90’s just updated to the max. I like how the search is broken down on the left hand side making it easier for me to refine it on the fly, none of the others do that. All of them have their unique uses it just depends on what you’re looking for.
To think that searching for anything has changed from a person who is a great researcher at the library…..to now, the words a person puts into a search and presto, it’s done. Maybe I am thinking I am baking a cake but the future holds many possibilities for upcoming students who want to learn new things on any topic. The article said “They're not making the pages easier to read, they're making the software agents smarter” and I think this will change kids learn permanently, because research time is cut done and so more work can be done. To some extent it takes the middle (person or work) out of the equation. In 15 years or more, If I do a search for what games Indonesian kids play at their house or outside in the park, I possibly may put on sunglasses and see exactly what they see, maybe smell the air at the same time? I could do a search and that search will make it easier for future searched for someone else searching on the same criteria and so in the future more kids will graduate early because of the added side affect this has caused on future generations. The affect of all this is that I think the basics or wanting keywords as the start of a search is and should be a mandatory concept, the article said "You get the ability to do all these very complex queries, but it takes a tremendous amount of time and metadata to make that happen." This makes me think, is it worth it?, technology maxes out at certain points, with most cars having heated seats and gps via option and cell phones doing everything but getting into your mind and speaking for you, I always thought if my psp came out as a phone it is over for everyone else. I think everyone is pulling at straws, the searches of the future are great at searching for words that deal with a certain topic, such as trying to recognize “the difference between Paris Hilton and the Hilton in Paris," but the more important next step is what big leap is there next, I want to interact like Johnny Mnemonic in the old 1995 movie where he was able to have data upload into his head and he instantly can carry information.
To think that searching for anything has changed from a person who is a great researcher at the library…..to now, the words a person puts into a search and presto, it’s done. Maybe I am thinking I am baking a cake but the future holds many possibilities for upcoming students who want to learn new things on any topic. The article said “They're not making the pages easier to read, they're making the software agents smarter” and I think this will change kids learn permanently, because research time is cut done and so more work can be done. To some extent it takes the middle (person or work) out of the equation. In 15 years or more, If I do a search for what games Indonesian kids play at their house or outside in the park, I possibly may put on sunglasses and see exactly what they see, maybe smell the air at the same time? I could do a search and that search will make it easier for future searched for someone else searching on the same criteria and so in the future more kids will graduate early because of the added side affect this has caused on future generations. The affect of all this is that I think the basics or wanting keywords as the start of a search is and should be a mandatory concept, the article said "You get the ability to do all these very complex queries, but it takes a tremendous amount of time and metadata to make that happen." This makes me think, is it worth it?, technology maxes out at certain points, with most cars having heated seats and gps via option and cell phones doing everything but getting into your mind and speaking for you, I always thought if my psp came out as a phone it is over for everyone else. I think everyone is pulling at straws, the searches of the future are great at searching for words that deal with a certain topic, such as trying to recognize “the difference between Paris Hilton and the Hilton in Paris," but the more important next step is what big leap is there next, I want to interact like Johnny Mnemonic in the old 1995 movie where he was able to have data upload into his head and he instantly can carry information.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
RSS, Blogs and Social Work
With the invention of new informational ways people get their info, three stand-out, RSS, Blogs and Delicious. I think RSS is the most easiest to use. I mean what is there to do, you hook up the link to the Google Reader and the stuff shows up and is right there to be clicked on or just casually read. I will be using this method from now on to get my information. I like it, but it also makes me think, Google is getting way to big of a monopoly. It is good and all but it makes me think that they control too much not enough free will going around to the others, but I guess it is on the others, not Google. Anyway, I will be using the RSS links on other pages, but am definitely going to use the Delicious search for when I search about Fantasy football insights or stuff about my mother’s plants, or which pet to get. I will try to shy away from Blogs because I honestly do not like them, barely look at mine and I try to keep up with. I only keep up with it to let me know where I have come from, for me it is like a public online journal that tells a little bit about me. I would not want to read that about someone else unless I am interested in them, like a girlfriend or family member. I like the Delicious idea tremendously because it is a link to someone who really cares about what they are talking about, with that comes authenticity of the topic. If I want to learn about body building and looked it up on there I would find a person who had his own experience and what they have found out on the web or other wise to back-up what they did. I know a blog does it but that is too personal, I want something that gives links and possibly cares about credibility.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Should the copyright law need of change or not?
The copyright law is not in need of change. The law is fine the way it is, it prosecutes whoever is downloading illegal software. It just needs to be adopted by all the countries of the world to make it that much more complete of a legislation. I think what needs to occur is a revamping of the whole entire industry, because the digital move is hurting the businesses who originated it. The article The article “The Music Industry's Lawsuits Against Online Music Sharers Are Justified, 2005 ” by Mitch Bainwol tells that the music sales in the “United States have fallen by an astounding 26 percent, from 1.16 billion units in 1999 to 860 million units in 2002. And worldwide, the recording industry has shrunk from a $40 billion industry in 2000 down to a $32 billion industry in 2002.” I think most people believe the internet should be free and unfiltered, but the digital content should a more governmental involvement on stopping piracy. It is killing American Jobs that are already at risk in these tough economic times. The changing of the law would create distain from the public. The added trouble of buying content and illegally distrusting it is wrong and objectionable but you do not want to piss off the actual paying public. It needs to be curtailed and a more subtle way, by getting provision at the production line, it creates a level copyrighted playing field where everyone can get the money they deserve.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
LRC 103 Class Blog
The poems I read were “Escape”, “Playmates” and “Forbidden Fruit II” . Reading from the screen was ok with me, if not better because I can control the size of the font by increasing the screen size with ctrl + and -. I wonder though how it will affect my eyes because I have heard the computer gives you eye strain. The Google search has accommodated the search possibility of people want to omit words or look for a specific word or phrase. They even out in whether you want t see only the ones with the limited previews which is a bonus. The ads were not distracting at all and did not even see them until mentioned in the question, which I found amusing. I as well liked the pictures they came up with because it Cuny+ is confusing to the point that a student or person who is not familiar with it, may be confused because they have the links, “Reserve” and ”Electronic Reserve” which could mean different things completely. The Cuny search layout is ok, but they should of chose different colors because the dark blue and orange is not working, at least to me anyway. The Cuny search system is effective to the point of Google but the amount of books it covers is limited to the Cuny system, the positive it has over Google is that a student can physically get the book, which is not really a plus because the content is much more important that the book. The Google search is actually more effective, and I thought this because it is way more detail oriented by means of certain word count and omitting.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How I keep up with the news
I keep on the news through various ways;
I turn on my computer and already have the homepage to either Yahoo.com or CNN.com. I take a couple minutes and read about the the top news stories of the day.
When I go on the train I pick up a metro newspaper, which is free and I remember... "if it is free it is for me." News is news and even if it is free, sometimes the content is just the same.
I also occasionally use yahoo's video option because it loads rather quickly and is another convenient way of getting news, it gives you everything from jokes in news to actual hardpress news.
Another way I get my news is by talking with people, either my sister or my mother has something to say on world events and if I have no idea what they are talking about they will just tell me, yet again informing of current events.
I watch Lou Dobbs on CNN and Fox News at night. I like Lou Dobbs, he seems to be honest and asks hard questions to his guests. I cap it off by watching Sportscenter for news on sport events.
I turn on my computer and already have the homepage to either Yahoo.com or CNN.com. I take a couple minutes and read about the the top news stories of the day.
When I go on the train I pick up a metro newspaper, which is free and I remember... "if it is free it is for me." News is news and even if it is free, sometimes the content is just the same.
I also occasionally use yahoo's video option because it loads rather quickly and is another convenient way of getting news, it gives you everything from jokes in news to actual hardpress news.
Another way I get my news is by talking with people, either my sister or my mother has something to say on world events and if I have no idea what they are talking about they will just tell me, yet again informing of current events.
I watch Lou Dobbs on CNN and Fox News at night. I like Lou Dobbs, he seems to be honest and asks hard questions to his guests. I cap it off by watching Sportscenter for news on sport events.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sum up of candidate articles
Find two Web sites or articles (full-text only). One must be about Barack Obama and one must be about John McCain. For EACH article/Web site, identify:
John McCain
Site - thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com
Publisher- New York times Politics Blog by Michael Cooper
Audience- There is no real audience demographic, just the people interested in politics. If you want to get specific, it is garnered towards political people who are susceptible to political propaganda. Obama has written two books about himself, read them, enjoy them, then will there be an understanding.
Timeliness- Article is from as recent as possible; it was likely written within an hour of Mccain’s speech.
Sales hook – The sales hook in the article is that McCain is trying everything in his bag of tricks to change their view of Obama. He asks the audience in the speech if they really know about Obama, and his history of what he’s done politically. He wants to bring in question everything about him, in particular his political standing because he thinks the audience knows nothing about him.
I used the NY Times website and put in the word Obama, then clicked search
Site - Factcheck.org
Publisher - Factcheck.org
Audience – The audience is aim toward political people, more importantly, to people who actually want to know the factual evidence behind the things Obama has said.
Timeliness – The article is from more than a month ago, but still has relevance because it is part of the message Obama has been preaching since his nomination.
Sales hook – The articles sales hook is that it is trying to sell you on the facts and not possible propaganda by a candidate.
I found the article by doing a yahoo search using the key words Obama and percent.
John McCain
Site - thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com
Publisher- New York times Politics Blog by Michael Cooper
Audience- There is no real audience demographic, just the people interested in politics. If you want to get specific, it is garnered towards political people who are susceptible to political propaganda. Obama has written two books about himself, read them, enjoy them, then will there be an understanding.
Timeliness- Article is from as recent as possible; it was likely written within an hour of Mccain’s speech.
Sales hook – The sales hook in the article is that McCain is trying everything in his bag of tricks to change their view of Obama. He asks the audience in the speech if they really know about Obama, and his history of what he’s done politically. He wants to bring in question everything about him, in particular his political standing because he thinks the audience knows nothing about him.
I used the NY Times website and put in the word Obama, then clicked search
Barack ObamaSite - Factcheck.org
Publisher - Factcheck.org
Audience – The audience is aim toward political people, more importantly, to people who actually want to know the factual evidence behind the things Obama has said.
Timeliness – The article is from more than a month ago, but still has relevance because it is part of the message Obama has been preaching since his nomination.
Sales hook – The articles sales hook is that it is trying to sell you on the facts and not possible propaganda by a candidate.
I found the article by doing a yahoo search using the key words Obama and percent.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Assignment #3
My Thoughts on the reading, “Future Reading, Digitization and its discontents”
It is second nature for people to want a quick way of finding information. The information age makes everything going online the most logical step. When equipped, everyone would have the massive ability of finding and empowering themselves. This does however have a coiunter affect as it empowers Google and others as an umbrella owner of that information. I believe the main idea of the essay is where the evolution of knowledge is heading, controlled by those in power.
Googles search engine, which has equipped itself to move on to other searches like the finding of literature and the reading of it in a convenient way. It is a reminder of the way Microfilm was tried to be used in the 70’s, reprinting copies of books on film to be seen by the masses. It was a good example of technology trying to hard to make itself the next natural step of passing information. It easily failed because of the massive need for information was too much to be supported by the machines available. It was controlled by specific group and used with a not so accessible machine to run the microfilm. Computers have revolutionized the way information can be accessed. Everyone or mostly everyone has capable means of finding a computer, making it easier for the everyday person to access information.
The essay claims that the firms involved in the scanning of the literature, Google, Microsoft and Amazon are by no means doing away with the scribbled texts of today, but making it better for everyone who reads and wants to know. This is a farce, because the Greeks, who had control over history in a way that Google has today, did so and used the power to trap all information and make it their own. The Greeks put away the scrolls from other countries and gave them copies, what is to stop them from changing the information that was accounted and changing it to another. Christopher Columbus is remembered for discovering America, but the fact that the Indians and Vikings were here prior had no affect because it was rarely discussed, talked about in all the books or included in common nostalgia. Even though discovered by others, the information documented by the Greeks aka possible Google can be seen as something else and changed to become what everyone would believe as fact. It is because of this people or countries, which are not particular worth remembering in Google’s eyes or moneys eyes, the objective of a company is to make money, actual facts that are to be displayed dictates what history is told. After a while, people would forget what fiction is and what fact is, putting history in a lonely second.
The more powerful and economically funded countries have their history remembered. The United States and Briton can now offer and control, even though not on purpose, the information that gets sent and received amongst the scanned literature is going to be derived from the most predominate countries with books. The essays pointed out Sixty million Britons have a hundred and sixteen million public-library books at their disposal, while more than 1.1 billion Indians have only thirty-six million. It is a matter of who is going to be remembered and who is disregarded. Third world countries are not going to be seen as money well spent, but remember as the “Viking and Indians” of our day.
This is the wave of the future and as so delicately entitled “Future Reading” by the author. The author did this because the paper he just wrote was going to be scanned and/or read by somebody from a different country or place and definitely a different time period without ever leaving the convenience of home. I thought about the title how this digital age has impacted my life. The entire world I live in, I have had privy to two basics, television and radio. The books are the last step in an evolutionary process of means of like magazines and newspapers. The information age is doing away with the nit and gritty work of harvesting it, by searching on your own two feet. Basic Television has been replaced by Cable made by Time Warner or the new Fios by Verizon. The new slogan for information might quiet possible be “Library Books” by Google and not the author who originally created it. The obstacles of not knowing information and then finding it out is getting easier, but at what cost of absolute accuracy is at stake. For me to believe after reading this essay that everything going online is a good thing is counterproductive as it has actually opened my eyes to that not all control is a good thing, it may quite possible make you blind sighted on the actual facts your looking for.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Blog 2
As of this posting my NY Giants are hurting my feelings, I mean comeon OVERTIME!!
Anyway, I like being able to take an online course and actually use some of my online time and get credit for it. I like school and am always doing something school related on my laptop so it is an easy fit. This week has been fairly easy, a couple of essays a few chapters to read. I know whats to come in the coming weeks, work, work and more work. As of right now I am enjoying it, because I may not get any more Sundays to myself.
Enjoy this time because life always changes.
Anyway, I like being able to take an online course and actually use some of my online time and get credit for it. I like school and am always doing something school related on my laptop so it is an easy fit. This week has been fairly easy, a couple of essays a few chapters to read. I know whats to come in the coming weeks, work, work and more work. As of right now I am enjoying it, because I may not get any more Sundays to myself.
Enjoy this time because life always changes.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Blog 1
I am a 26 yr old college student; I stand at 5ft. 8in. I am a person who wants his future to be here already and since I have bullshitted a few years of my life to the immediate satisfaction with the other sex whilst not pursuing the more dominant goal of academic achievement.
I have always been into the law and arguing with anybody is second nature for me. I am also into politics and am going for a law degree after Laguardia and John Jay. Right now I'm taking a Research paper class, An introduction to language class and an Internship. To top it all off I am also Tutoring students for API which stands for Academic Peer Instruction. I basically have a full load of work for the semester.
I used to be a pudgy 240 lb and eworked my way to 169lb in 3 months through dedication and determination, so I figure school can't be any harder… some of my friends think I will have trouble getting to my goal, but you have to use these haters as fuel for your fire....
I used to be a pudgy 240 lb and eworked my way to 169lb in 3 months through dedication and determination, so I figure school can't be any harder… some of my friends think I will have trouble getting to my goal, but you have to use these haters as fuel for your fire....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New Day
School is in and I am ready to take it on. I am currently in LRC 103. 1492 and if you are from that class and am looking at my page, welcome.
Thinking, making or writing a blog is a process that I have liked. It chronicles your thoughts for that segment of time and lets people, including yourself see how you have changed and have grown. Take the blog seriously, as it lets you think about things in the open for everyone to see. I believe there are no mistakes in a blog as it is your own. Take in consideration though the thoughts of other people, what they may be thinking and a possible rebuke if necessary.
Have fun with the blog as I have.
Obviously this step, is just another step in my life, but I am thankful to be here to take it.
Brandon Vendryes (playablue@gmail.com)
Thinking, making or writing a blog is a process that I have liked. It chronicles your thoughts for that segment of time and lets people, including yourself see how you have changed and have grown. Take the blog seriously, as it lets you think about things in the open for everyone to see. I believe there are no mistakes in a blog as it is your own. Take in consideration though the thoughts of other people, what they may be thinking and a possible rebuke if necessary.
Have fun with the blog as I have.
Obviously this step, is just another step in my life, but I am thankful to be here to take it.
Brandon Vendryes (playablue@gmail.com)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Been a while
All and all things are going good for me, I have lived up to some of the expectations for myself and am looking for more. I am looking for more in other people as well, but I'm seeing maybe I won't get it from them and that is all they will be.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Back at laguardia
I between taking the summer off and going back to school for a summer session of class and decided on the ladder of the two, so if anyone sees me....just tell me I made the right decision....because I am having trouble with it.
Girls are trouble
Girls are trouble
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A show to watch
I wake up this morning because my cell phone still alarms until june 10th because of school, turn on my Telvesion and come up on a show I have been watching for a while, the "Living with Ed" show is a nice piece of material. It shows you how a person, most notably a star like Ed, can live a life of trying his best to complment their environment, It comes on Tuesdays at 8:30 the the green network which is 114 on timewarner cable..... holla at ya boy...
P.S. I may be switching between that and the NBA playoffs....
Friday, May 30, 2008
Something worth a Read
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Blog 12
1. How easy or difficult was the blogger?,… well it was not hard but it was not all that easy either, you really have to think about the question that you ask for us to answer on the blog. Thoughts about ourselves which not all of us do for more than a minute, for us to come to our conclusion that we are doing wrong, in anything, including how we treat the environment carelessly on our part. To criticize other peoples work and when necessary to add unique knowledge to stuff worth talking about. But seriously, I liked the class because it made you want to do your work, because the work is your work and well who can really put more pressure on you to do something other than yourself on a topic you actually like.
2. Blogger was relatively easy to work with, after you try a few things out and you see what you like, you’re good to go. The blog has been a fun experience, because it’s a nice way for me to have a timeline on myself and what I think about from week to week. I am honestly going to try to keep up with it.
3. 250 words are not hard at all, because when you’re answering the question, the words should come as nothing. Maybe a couple of blogs were a bit difficult but for the most part I judge a class by how I feel about the class at the end, and I feel good about this class. I worked hard, and earned what I got. There is relatively no pressure for me to do the blog, because I liked it.
4. I liked the deadline, well because I usually use that as a warning sign for me to get things done. The day and time is fine with me, because I am a late sleeper.
5. I liked interacting with the other bloggers because you really get who are the people who are trying in the class as well as what they are about. like some people are really for the environment and have other experiences from other countries that are interesting to read about, its all about thinking outside the box.
6. Comparing blogging to my other classes is that this is better than some of my other classes, because I want to be here and learn what is at hand.
7. I would definitely will try to keep up with the blog because I used to have a journal as a kid and always liked it because it showed who I was and what I have changed too.
2. Blogger was relatively easy to work with, after you try a few things out and you see what you like, you’re good to go. The blog has been a fun experience, because it’s a nice way for me to have a timeline on myself and what I think about from week to week. I am honestly going to try to keep up with it.
3. 250 words are not hard at all, because when you’re answering the question, the words should come as nothing. Maybe a couple of blogs were a bit difficult but for the most part I judge a class by how I feel about the class at the end, and I feel good about this class. I worked hard, and earned what I got. There is relatively no pressure for me to do the blog, because I liked it.
4. I liked the deadline, well because I usually use that as a warning sign for me to get things done. The day and time is fine with me, because I am a late sleeper.
5. I liked interacting with the other bloggers because you really get who are the people who are trying in the class as well as what they are about. like some people are really for the environment and have other experiences from other countries that are interesting to read about, its all about thinking outside the box.
6. Comparing blogging to my other classes is that this is better than some of my other classes, because I want to be here and learn what is at hand.
7. I would definitely will try to keep up with the blog because I used to have a journal as a kid and always liked it because it showed who I was and what I have changed too.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Blog 11
From reading the "The Basics," "Home" and the one of my choice "School." I have decided that this is my list of the 5 things I can do towards the 5 that I least can do:
As I already do it already, I don't try to let the water run
light bulbs:
This should be 1st thing anybody really comes up with that they can do because it litterally replces a product and serves the same exact service.
water filters:
I do it already, and the water tastes just as good as any other.
I started to this when I bought school supplies for the "G-2 pens" that I use, but what I found out was, at the staples I went, the refills ended up costing more than the actual pens themselves...which is plain stupid.
I do it because of the money mostly, but it also won't be collecting up dust siiting around in my closet.
Least able to do:
Temperature: The house is kep relatively which is what I'm used too but to turn it down any further, is something I may have trouble with.
plastic: I do not know how we could really get around this, it is mass produced on an exceptional scale. The industry would have to be forced to go make to glass like it was. I do whaht I can with recycling but..
carpooling: I drive with other people to the club or get together that I know everyone is going too, but other than that, solo is way I go usually. Train is ok. by me though.
Storage containers: plastic is so manageable, it contains the item you want saved and does not break, the containers suggested are heavy and breakable.
Trash bags: I find this a bit hard because some of the bags may have a whol in them causing stuff to leak out of it if it is a reused bag.
As I already do it already, I don't try to let the water run
light bulbs:
This should be 1st thing anybody really comes up with that they can do because it litterally replces a product and serves the same exact service.
water filters:
I do it already, and the water tastes just as good as any other.
I started to this when I bought school supplies for the "G-2 pens" that I use, but what I found out was, at the staples I went, the refills ended up costing more than the actual pens themselves...which is plain stupid.
I do it because of the money mostly, but it also won't be collecting up dust siiting around in my closet.
Least able to do:
Temperature: The house is kep relatively which is what I'm used too but to turn it down any further, is something I may have trouble with.
plastic: I do not know how we could really get around this, it is mass produced on an exceptional scale. The industry would have to be forced to go make to glass like it was. I do whaht I can with recycling but..
carpooling: I drive with other people to the club or get together that I know everyone is going too, but other than that, solo is way I go usually. Train is ok. by me though.
Storage containers: plastic is so manageable, it contains the item you want saved and does not break, the containers suggested are heavy and breakable.
Trash bags: I find this a bit hard because some of the bags may have a whol in them causing stuff to leak out of it if it is a reused bag.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Blog 9
Blog 9
All I want to say this week is a few things,...
. I am actually keeping up with some of my commitments I made earlier in the year, like not letting the water run when I shave and when going to home depot, encouraging my mother to buy biodegradable pots for the plants to save on the plastic. I find myself saving my garbage until I find a suitable place for it instead of leaving it just anywhere, not to say I threw it anywhere before, but you get the picture.
. I am completely frustrated with myself and feel overwhelmed with what I am supposed to take on for this paper. When I did the draft I wanted to take on three topics, A. the reason for the racism that has existed in New Orleans for so long, B. The possible reasons for the slow aid for the victims of Katrina by local and state. C. Possible solutions, so that this could never happen again. When I re-read my draft I was only reporting on the cause of the racism nothing about the aid and only little bit on possible solutions.
. I have found this paper harder than I expected it to be, not to say I can’t complete the paper to the best grade possible. I also find myself with a midterm crisis with all my other classes , as I feel Like I am drowning, anyway I am just venting.
If you are a coffee person, save your coffee grounds for your plants because it provides nitrates for your plants that they can flourish on.....works for you and the environment.
All I want to say this week is a few things,...
. I am actually keeping up with some of my commitments I made earlier in the year, like not letting the water run when I shave and when going to home depot, encouraging my mother to buy biodegradable pots for the plants to save on the plastic. I find myself saving my garbage until I find a suitable place for it instead of leaving it just anywhere, not to say I threw it anywhere before, but you get the picture.
. I am completely frustrated with myself and feel overwhelmed with what I am supposed to take on for this paper. When I did the draft I wanted to take on three topics, A. the reason for the racism that has existed in New Orleans for so long, B. The possible reasons for the slow aid for the victims of Katrina by local and state. C. Possible solutions, so that this could never happen again. When I re-read my draft I was only reporting on the cause of the racism nothing about the aid and only little bit on possible solutions.
. I have found this paper harder than I expected it to be, not to say I can’t complete the paper to the best grade possible. I also find myself with a midterm crisis with all my other classes , as I feel Like I am drowning, anyway I am just venting.
If you are a coffee person, save your coffee grounds for your plants because it provides nitrates for your plants that they can flourish on.....works for you and the environment.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Blog 8
1 Official Topic: race and class relations in the lower 9th ward of Katrina in New Orleans
2 I am writing this topic because I saw the disparity on t.v. when Katrina hit New Orleans, more specifically the lower 9th ward. I always wanted to know more about the difference between these people who were the "have nots" and the people who were in a better off situation, the "haves." I wanted to know about this topic when I saw that Kanye West proclaimed that "Bush, doesn't care about black people"
3 I hope to reach the people who are ignorant to this issue. I want to reach the individuals who think A, Katrina could never happen again. and B. Obilivent the racism that was the the recovery effort that followed was just a mistake.
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIUzLpO1kxI- Kanye west excerpt from red cross
There is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Hurricane Katrina
Census Report on Katrina
Photos I may use
5 The Daily Crush Of Poverty, Strong As Any Storm The Washington Post September 5, 2005 Monday.
Black groups claim conspiracy to turn New Orleans white The Courier Mail (Queensland, Australia) October 15, 2005 Saturday
I do not know how to link it here, because I obtained it off of EBSCO It discusses the difference between the upper and middle class. I want more articles like this one...
6 My thesis is going to be that racism is alive and well and entrenched in our governing body, coming to the forefront when there is a disaster.
2 I am writing this topic because I saw the disparity on t.v. when Katrina hit New Orleans, more specifically the lower 9th ward. I always wanted to know more about the difference between these people who were the "have nots" and the people who were in a better off situation, the "haves." I wanted to know about this topic when I saw that Kanye West proclaimed that "Bush, doesn't care about black people"
3 I hope to reach the people who are ignorant to this issue. I want to reach the individuals who think A, Katrina could never happen again. and B. Obilivent the racism that was the the recovery effort that followed was just a mistake.
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIUzLpO1kxI- Kanye west excerpt from red cross
There is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Hurricane Katrina
Census Report on Katrina
Photos I may use
5 The Daily Crush Of Poverty, Strong As Any Storm The Washington Post September 5, 2005 Monday.
Black groups claim conspiracy to turn New Orleans white The Courier Mail (Queensland, Australia) October 15, 2005 Saturday
I do not know how to link it here, because I obtained it off of EBSCO It discusses the difference between the upper and middle class. I want more articles like this one...
6 My thesis is going to be that racism is alive and well and entrenched in our governing body, coming to the forefront when there is a disaster.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Blog 7
TOPIC: race relations in lower 9th ward of katrina
These are some of my resources:
The reason I choose this is because of the injustices that have been done to minorities throughout this country, most notably by our own government. An example would be a president signing into law an agreement that the government will protect "Americans" from unlawful chemical sites, but when such a situation is reported they are slow to act, if at all. The report give clear and distinct examples of passe thoughts of minority standing and their obvious meaninglessness to the the government
Gives some more specific numbers involving the homes affected and the amount of debris left.
2006. Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires (eds). "There Is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Katrina". New York: Routledge.
I chose this book because it goes more in depth with the more specific issues of racism and classism as interpreted through two editors. Tells how and why African-Americans are at the bottom of the totem pole in New Orleans. Using tables and figures and testimony from people gives examples of frustration by citizens that for years have know this, but now the book sheds some light on it.
This website gives detailed images of the destruction "Katrina" caused to New Orleans. I will be using this website as a reference to pictures on the topic I am talking about.
Census Reports
This give me the before and after affects of hurrican katrina on the area. Including the poverty levels and the demographics of the people.
These are some of my resources:
The reason I choose this is because of the injustices that have been done to minorities throughout this country, most notably by our own government. An example would be a president signing into law an agreement that the government will protect "Americans" from unlawful chemical sites, but when such a situation is reported they are slow to act, if at all. The report give clear and distinct examples of passe thoughts of minority standing and their obvious meaninglessness to the the government
Gives some more specific numbers involving the homes affected and the amount of debris left.
2006. Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires (eds). "There Is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Katrina". New York: Routledge.
I chose this book because it goes more in depth with the more specific issues of racism and classism as interpreted through two editors. Tells how and why African-Americans are at the bottom of the totem pole in New Orleans. Using tables and figures and testimony from people gives examples of frustration by citizens that for years have know this, but now the book sheds some light on it.
This website gives detailed images of the destruction "Katrina" caused to New Orleans. I will be using this website as a reference to pictures on the topic I am talking about.
Census Reports
This give me the before and after affects of hurrican katrina on the area. Including the poverty levels and the demographics of the people.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Blog 6 - Reflect
. I think about having gone through this term so far and I am astounded at how people can be blind for so long, including myself open up and reflection.
. 1st off, people are blind because they want to be or let other people be their eyes and ears for most notably the republican administration without actually looking at the facts for themselves. When I was looking for a census poll to back this up I came up with this one from last year and I came up on this article that even thought I thought was bit off topic I felt was needed, The article is not what frightened me, it was the derogatory comments people left saying global warming is a figment of peoples imaginations, most notably Al Gores with cropped pictures of him.
. I guess I am just venting a bit...I have grown some since starting this class, I have now looked into my closet and thought to myself, what the hell was I thinking. I used to buy 2 or 3 versions of the same sneaker because of the color scheme looked good to me. How vein could I be?...I still like to where fashioned clothes but now I know that buying all that stuff makes people not focus on themselves as much as they should but because they are worried about what everyone else has, they worry not on the more important issues.
. Such a waste, I've become more cognizant of the environmental products I use and what foods I eat. What’s around me like my own friends and their own thinking on the environment and if it is a bad one could I can change their mind about it. Myaffect on what I can do to change my future where I could be loving it, not dreading it. That I believe will stay with me.
. An even bigger change has been on me, directly as a person. I am now more family involved, much more than I was before. I see that having a job whilst using all this “modern” technology (computers, two ways, cells) has made my time with family even that much more scarce. I quote the word modern because what is up to date today like the laptop your watching right now or the two way your typing on is obsolete tomorrow or even now. The only thing that never changes is family and you can not get more “modern” than that.
Food for thought, What’s the fastest computer in the world? It’s in ourselves,........, it’s the almighty BRAIN!....
-The writings by Robert D. Bullard in "Environment and Morality" is very freighting because it is just so blatant.-
. 1st off, people are blind because they want to be or let other people be their eyes and ears for most notably the republican administration without actually looking at the facts for themselves. When I was looking for a census poll to back this up I came up with this one from last year and I came up on this article that even thought I thought was bit off topic I felt was needed, The article is not what frightened me, it was the derogatory comments people left saying global warming is a figment of peoples imaginations, most notably Al Gores with cropped pictures of him.
. I guess I am just venting a bit...I have grown some since starting this class, I have now looked into my closet and thought to myself, what the hell was I thinking. I used to buy 2 or 3 versions of the same sneaker because of the color scheme looked good to me. How vein could I be?...I still like to where fashioned clothes but now I know that buying all that stuff makes people not focus on themselves as much as they should but because they are worried about what everyone else has, they worry not on the more important issues.
. Such a waste, I've become more cognizant of the environmental products I use and what foods I eat. What’s around me like my own friends and their own thinking on the environment and if it is a bad one could I can change their mind about it. Myaffect on what I can do to change my future where I could be loving it, not dreading it. That I believe will stay with me.
. An even bigger change has been on me, directly as a person. I am now more family involved, much more than I was before. I see that having a job whilst using all this “modern” technology (computers, two ways, cells) has made my time with family even that much more scarce. I quote the word modern because what is up to date today like the laptop your watching right now or the two way your typing on is obsolete tomorrow or even now. The only thing that never changes is family and you can not get more “modern” than that.
Food for thought, What’s the fastest computer in the world? It’s in ourselves,........, it’s the almighty BRAIN!....
-The writings by Robert D. Bullard in "Environment and Morality" is very freighting because it is just so blatant.-
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Blog 5
Blog 5 is as follows:
B) write a short assessment/impression/reaction
1. Sustainable Cities Blog http://bettercities.squarespace.com/
. The team that runs this site is well informed on what is going on around them, in particular NYC. I love the fact that they give a candid opinion of what is happening, and who is doing it. Whether it is the MTA not foreseeing the downward spiral of the mortgage crisis may have an affect on the outlook for tax revenues or to acknowledge who is doing good amongst the world in Shakira Brown, who will be teaching from Antarctica. She is doing this to get minority kids interested in the sciences, Because there are relatively few African-Americans, Hispanics and American Indians work in the earth sciences. If your from NYC come here for input
2. Gristmill http://gristmill.grist.org/
. This site is massive in it’s sens of detail. It states the question, but gives a sustained answer or reasoning for its occurance. I particularly liked the question Why green jobs now? I love the fact that green jobs are needed, but this should have started like a century ago. The Lehman’s answer being well this planet is screwed, might as well be late than never...This site asks the tought more complicated questions that even if have no direct answer, thank you for even asking them. These questions boggle th mind, which eventually produce answers.
3. Green as a Thistle
. I like the fact that instead of talking about living the life, she actually did it, and that is something I can never say. Could I actually do it for a year? I mean there are some habits that I have grown accustomed too, namely the thing I’m typing on and I only had it since December, think about what I have been used since birth, like bottled formula to milk in a plastic container. I couldn’t. But after reading some of her experiences, I can. I like the fact that even though she has permanently written off some people for the beligerant attitudes towards the environment she goes back and gives them a thumbs up Like Nike for goal to be carbon neautral by 2011
4. No Impact Manhttp://noimpactman.typepad.com/blog/
. This person represents a commoners standpoint of questions people ask on the bus but never have any factual informationto back it up, but he does, I like the scenario he presents when he brings up that people should be living incloser together in villages instead of suburbs and who travel together on public transit but they actually emit half the per capita greenhouse gas of Americans. Its very telling even on the scal that we live in and accustomed to should not be the norm. He asks common questions about companies Like if you cut down a community they then buy more stuff to make themself feel better about themselves...its ridiculous but true.
5. Eco Geeek http://www.ecogeek.org/
. This site is for the technology buffs who want to be on the latest of the eco-friendly products that are on or on the cusp of the market to come out. I particualry like that GE is coming out with a new type of watre heater. The water heater has not changed. Hank Green the person who wrote the article states "But because of a lack of consensus on how they should be regulated, and resistance from industry, their efficiency went completely unregulated." This all goes to the point that it is only changing be cause global warming is staring us down the throats and we need to change not the environment. I persoally willl be coming to this site on a regular basis for input on products for the better
C) Link http://bettercities.squarespace.com/journal/2008/3/25/on-the-mtas-recent-announcement.html to comment to one of the authors
D)link in your blog to one/some "green" blogs you have found through this exercise
National Science Foundation
Personal side note: now if you are from Jamaica Queens. I will be going to the "Melting Ice and Rising Tides: What Climate Change Means for New York.", which I found on the Sustainable Cities Blog. IF you want to join me, let me know.
Blog 5 is as follows:
B) write a short assessment/impression/reaction
1. Sustainable Cities Blog http://bettercities.squarespace.com/
. The team that runs this site is well informed on what is going on around them, in particular NYC. I love the fact that they give a candid opinion of what is happening, and who is doing it. Whether it is the MTA not foreseeing the downward spiral of the mortgage crisis may have an affect on the outlook for tax revenues or to acknowledge who is doing good amongst the world in Shakira Brown, who will be teaching from Antarctica. She is doing this to get minority kids interested in the sciences, Because there are relatively few African-Americans, Hispanics and American Indians work in the earth sciences. If your from NYC come here for input
2. Gristmill http://gristmill.grist.org/
. This site is massive in it’s sens of detail. It states the question, but gives a sustained answer or reasoning for its occurance. I particularly liked the question Why green jobs now? I love the fact that green jobs are needed, but this should have started like a century ago. The Lehman’s answer being well this planet is screwed, might as well be late than never...This site asks the tought more complicated questions that even if have no direct answer, thank you for even asking them. These questions boggle th mind, which eventually produce answers.
3. Green as a Thistle
. I like the fact that instead of talking about living the life, she actually did it, and that is something I can never say. Could I actually do it for a year? I mean there are some habits that I have grown accustomed too, namely the thing I’m typing on and I only had it since December, think about what I have been used since birth, like bottled formula to milk in a plastic container. I couldn’t. But after reading some of her experiences, I can. I like the fact that even though she has permanently written off some people for the beligerant attitudes towards the environment she goes back and gives them a thumbs up Like Nike for goal to be carbon neautral by 2011
4. No Impact Manhttp://noimpactman.typepad.com/blog/
. This person represents a commoners standpoint of questions people ask on the bus but never have any factual informationto back it up, but he does, I like the scenario he presents when he brings up that people should be living incloser together in villages instead of suburbs and who travel together on public transit but they actually emit half the per capita greenhouse gas of Americans. Its very telling even on the scal that we live in and accustomed to should not be the norm. He asks common questions about companies Like if you cut down a community they then buy more stuff to make themself feel better about themselves...its ridiculous but true.
5. Eco Geeek http://www.ecogeek.org/
. This site is for the technology buffs who want to be on the latest of the eco-friendly products that are on or on the cusp of the market to come out. I particualry like that GE is coming out with a new type of watre heater. The water heater has not changed. Hank Green the person who wrote the article states "But because of a lack of consensus on how they should be regulated, and resistance from industry, their efficiency went completely unregulated." This all goes to the point that it is only changing be cause global warming is staring us down the throats and we need to change not the environment. I persoally willl be coming to this site on a regular basis for input on products for the better
C) Link http://bettercities.squarespace.com/journal/2008/3/25/on-the-mtas-recent-announcement.html to comment to one of the authors
D)link in your blog to one/some "green" blogs you have found through this exercise
National Science Foundation
Personal side note: now if you are from Jamaica Queens. I will be going to the "Melting Ice and Rising Tides: What Climate Change Means for New York.", which I found on the Sustainable Cities Blog. IF you want to join me, let me know.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
blog 4- environmentalism of the spirit
. Well this weeks blog is something I have been thinking about for the past week, ways that I help myself while at the same time helping my fellow man. There was an example of such a thing in the lunch room on friday between classes, I went to the lunch room and there were three people waiting for one microwave, I proceeded to go on the line behind them. Another person who was not online comes into the picture and obviously knows two out of the three people in front of me, she proceeds to cut in front of me without even batting an eye towards me. I took offense to that and called her out on it. I said that there are people waiting that were hear before her and it is only fair. She proceeds to think she did the right thing, because she doesn't apolgize, only helping out herself and showing no consideration. She really thought no one else would care.
. This is how the whole world thinks in a way, that the world is this microwave and has all these resources. Everyone needs their turn including the generations that come after. It's a shame, everyone should be considerate of others and it will be returned.
. I was going home last night and saw a kid messing with the turnstile for the subway and another pedestrain was coming into the train station. The bars are about to turn with the child in front of it I could not believe my eyes and quickly called to the pedestrian to stop for a second,... removing the child. I took it upon myself to tell him that playing in strange places like this is unaccptable (insert stern voice here), The mother was actually thankful I did that because another person saying exactly what she has been saying is proper reinforcement. I believe we are disconnected with another.
. Question on position B) in the story of Noah, God directs Noah to take into the ark at least two of every living species to save them from the Flood. Therefore, humankind's role is to preserve as much of God's creation as we can.
. I believe this to be true because Man's role is to protect all of mankind, to be there for mankind. If Mankind's role is to be the supreme being than it comes with the responsibility and should notbe used to kill every little living thing beneath you. If people have the ability to change our genetics of animals and fight diseases then we should whenever capable.
. This is how the whole world thinks in a way, that the world is this microwave and has all these resources. Everyone needs their turn including the generations that come after. It's a shame, everyone should be considerate of others and it will be returned.
. I was going home last night and saw a kid messing with the turnstile for the subway and another pedestrain was coming into the train station. The bars are about to turn with the child in front of it I could not believe my eyes and quickly called to the pedestrian to stop for a second,... removing the child. I took it upon myself to tell him that playing in strange places like this is unaccptable (insert stern voice here), The mother was actually thankful I did that because another person saying exactly what she has been saying is proper reinforcement. I believe we are disconnected with another.
. Question on position B) in the story of Noah, God directs Noah to take into the ark at least two of every living species to save them from the Flood. Therefore, humankind's role is to preserve as much of God's creation as we can.
. I believe this to be true because Man's role is to protect all of mankind, to be there for mankind. If Mankind's role is to be the supreme being than it comes with the responsibility and should notbe used to kill every little living thing beneath you. If people have the ability to change our genetics of animals and fight diseases then we should whenever capable.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
An Inconvenient Truth Dicussion (Just the facts)
. I proceeded to watch the movie "An Inconvienent Truth" with an open mind on the possible future of the planet and the choices that people have made and need to be made. The movie presents the obvious obstacles of man's dependency, more specifically The US and other industrialized nations like them to use other nations and their resources. I do not believe that there will ever be balance with nature, unless there is a tremendous lost of people for the "Quid Pro Quo" to change, because it for surely has not been working.
. The movie brought me to the conclusion that the government is baby and uses the corporations of the w`orld as its own bottle feeding off of them. What I mean is, that governments should have no ties to corporations and if they have been affiliated with any corporation in the past you should be barred from running from anything of importance. Barred from becoming a Senator or Congressman, because your opinion is biased based.
. Growing up in Canada I thought I never had a affect on my environment. Ignorant as I was, I played with my U.S. and China made toys having fun, not caring about how it got made and what the planet was had to go threw for it to get there. The resources man has used up and discarded as chemicals they put back into the environment makes me all the angry. Knowing the cost of it not only to my environment but to other underdeveloped countries that have been taken advantaged of seems to me like a sin. I am now trying so hard to stray away from unwanted waste, and truly hate myself for making all those "jump shots" as a kid out of loose paper that was lying around my room when I was bored.
. I have been torn between Health , Labor and Environmental Law. This class was needed for me....it is the right place and at the right time. I am livid about the healthcare in this country, but at the same time I know people are overworked and need benefits. Finally the environment is basically the granddaddy of them all,... well because it affects everyone. I am leaning more towards environmental law because labor and health care are reneweable resources that can always be debated and changed. I am not brushing it off as something small but compared with environment, which is not even a renewable resource. Litagation is my way.
. 30,....is the percentage points that the US contributes to to global warming, so the US must set an example. I find that hard to believe that the U.S. will do that unless forced to. You would think Katrina would have had an affect on that decision, but it hasn’t. The reason things were not done to change the way business is done in the U.S. is because rich people are not affected. If Katrina had happened in NY or California, things
would have for surely changed. Stephen Johnson, the epa commissioner a couple of weeks ago lowered the limit of carbon fuel emission by corporations, but not the standards given to him by scientists. I can not believe someone would go against an actual science. If my own mother told me to stand on one leg for 15 minutes everyday because she knows for a fact it would make me healthier, I would start counting time because I know my mother is smarter than me.... Anyway the point I am making is that the most powerful government need to start taking broader steps instead of baby steps like that to help stop this. Going to other countries for resources is not the answer, because in the short and long run your destroy both their country and ours.
. The US administration is so behind the ball it is not even funny anymore, reading the article, Taking Responsibility , shows how the Bush administration is stonewalling eveidence for corporate advancement. California is an example of a state taking up the responsibility to better their own environment so why can't the country? The article shows the stupidity of a government that wants everyone else to start checking themselves before they do. I mean is the government going to play this game until the earth changes for the worse and it is game over for everybody? There are countries out there who like people, who do not even care about their affect on their own environment. At least I can say, the U.S. is not that blind to the stool their putting out there, here is the Chinese excuse.
A couple of sites that are helpful:
This is a website to help offset your carbon footprint:
Another website is about protecting Wlderness and Public Lands from development:
. The movie brought me to the conclusion that the government is baby and uses the corporations of the w`orld as its own bottle feeding off of them. What I mean is, that governments should have no ties to corporations and if they have been affiliated with any corporation in the past you should be barred from running from anything of importance. Barred from becoming a Senator or Congressman, because your opinion is biased based.
. Growing up in Canada I thought I never had a affect on my environment. Ignorant as I was, I played with my U.S. and China made toys having fun, not caring about how it got made and what the planet was had to go threw for it to get there. The resources man has used up and discarded as chemicals they put back into the environment makes me all the angry. Knowing the cost of it not only to my environment but to other underdeveloped countries that have been taken advantaged of seems to me like a sin. I am now trying so hard to stray away from unwanted waste, and truly hate myself for making all those "jump shots" as a kid out of loose paper that was lying around my room when I was bored.
. I have been torn between Health , Labor and Environmental Law. This class was needed for me....it is the right place and at the right time. I am livid about the healthcare in this country, but at the same time I know people are overworked and need benefits. Finally the environment is basically the granddaddy of them all,... well because it affects everyone. I am leaning more towards environmental law because labor and health care are reneweable resources that can always be debated and changed. I am not brushing it off as something small but compared with environment, which is not even a renewable resource. Litagation is my way.
. 30,....is the percentage points that the US contributes to to global warming, so the US must set an example. I find that hard to believe that the U.S. will do that unless forced to. You would think Katrina would have had an affect on that decision, but it hasn’t. The reason things were not done to change the way business is done in the U.S. is because rich people are not affected. If Katrina had happened in NY or California, things
. The US administration is so behind the ball it is not even funny anymore, reading the article, Taking Responsibility , shows how the Bush administration is stonewalling eveidence for corporate advancement. California is an example of a state taking up the responsibility to better their own environment so why can't the country? The article shows the stupidity of a government that wants everyone else to start checking themselves before they do. I mean is the government going to play this game until the earth changes for the worse and it is game over for everybody? There are countries out there who like people, who do not even care about their affect on their own environment. At least I can say, the U.S. is not that blind to the stool their putting out there, here is the Chinese excuse.
A couple of sites that are helpful:
This is a website to help offset your carbon footprint:
Another website is about protecting Wlderness and Public Lands from development:
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Blog 2- Discovery Week
I am answering question three
At any given moment an advertisement or radio message comes to my attention. The message is a new technology is going to make my life easier but all it does is make me a person stuck in a cycle. I do watch TV and way too much of it. Other than that I am not really into much else so I figured the others need not apply. I only search the web or actively on it to check my mail, a few web sites, but I am not a myspace.com hound, but I do have one. In total maybe 20 hrs. a week on TV, 5 Hours on internet. My whole feeling is, if I do not talk to you other than myspace, then you sere never really were a friend to begin with. People are getting to the point where they can’t even pick up the phone and dial their friends number because they did not remember it (because they always pressed the #3 then send to dial, from their cell ) so there was no need to know it. This is reason I have refused to get a sidekick, well because it leads to more anti-social behavior that I find utterly unappealing, if people would want to interact with one another it’s harder, because there is no direct contact. No mutual touch or eye stimulation from one another. So we fall harder for the cycle that these corporations have put on our lives, weighing us down. I for one am cutting back or cutting out all who put a slag on my life, coming back on my daily doses of the "Rob and Big" show on MTV or turning down the radio of a song that is force fed to us by the music industry to read a book, because it feels better to crack open a good book.
Now maybe, ....the last part was a bit cheesy or cliche but I truly feel that way.
This article kind of shocked me when I read it and then soon after I was watching the news and Stephen Johnson, the EPA commissioner is an idiot if he thinks that global warming has nothing to do with this.
At any given moment an advertisement or radio message comes to my attention. The message is a new technology is going to make my life easier but all it does is make me a person stuck in a cycle. I do watch TV and way too much of it. Other than that I am not really into much else so I figured the others need not apply. I only search the web or actively on it to check my mail, a few web sites, but I am not a myspace.com hound, but I do have one. In total maybe 20 hrs. a week on TV, 5 Hours on internet. My whole feeling is, if I do not talk to you other than myspace, then you sere never really were a friend to begin with. People are getting to the point where they can’t even pick up the phone and dial their friends number because they did not remember it (because they always pressed the #3 then send to dial, from their cell ) so there was no need to know it. This is reason I have refused to get a sidekick, well because it leads to more anti-social behavior that I find utterly unappealing, if people would want to interact with one another it’s harder, because there is no direct contact. No mutual touch or eye stimulation from one another. So we fall harder for the cycle that these corporations have put on our lives, weighing us down. I for one am cutting back or cutting out all who put a slag on my life, coming back on my daily doses of the "Rob and Big" show on MTV or turning down the radio of a song that is force fed to us by the music industry to read a book, because it feels better to crack open a good book.
Now maybe, ....the last part was a bit cheesy or cliche but I truly feel that way.
This article kind of shocked me when I read it and then soon after I was watching the news and Stephen Johnson, the EPA commissioner is an idiot if he thinks that global warming has nothing to do with this.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Blog 1- Who am I
I am a 25 yr old college student; I stand at 5ft. 8in. I am a person who wants his future to be here already and since I have bullshitted a few years of my life to immediate satisfaction with the other sex whilst not pursuing a more dominant goal of academic achievement. I have always been into the law and arguing with anybody is like second nature for me. I am into law and politics and am going for a law degree… I used to be a pudgy 240 lb and worked my way to 169lb in 3 months through dedication and determination, so I figure school can't b any harder… some of my friends think I will have trouble getting there, but you have to use these haters as fuel for your fire....
A) The 2 thing I do for the environment is recycle and to try to use as much recycled paper as possible, trying to live in a paperless world
B) The concerns I have for the environment is that businesses should be forced to plant trees because of how much paper is used by their business.
A) The 2 thing I do for the environment is recycle and to try to use as much recycled paper as possible, trying to live in a paperless world
B) The concerns I have for the environment is that businesses should be forced to plant trees because of how much paper is used by their business.
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