Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blog 6 - Reflect

. I think about having gone through this term so far and I am astounded at how people can be blind for so long, including myself open up and reflection.

. 1st off, people are blind because they want to be or let other people be their eyes and ears for most notably the republican administration without actually looking at the facts for themselves. When I was looking for a census poll to back this up I came up with this one from last year and I came up on this article that even thought I thought was bit off topic I felt was needed, The article is not what frightened me, it was the derogatory comments people left saying global warming is a figment of peoples imaginations, most notably Al Gores with cropped pictures of him.

. I guess I am just venting a bit...I have grown some since starting this class, I have now looked into my closet and thought to myself, what the hell was I thinking. I used to buy 2 or 3 versions of the same sneaker because of the color scheme looked good to me. How vein could I be?...I still like to where fashioned clothes but now I know that buying all that stuff makes people not focus on themselves as much as they should but because they are worried about what everyone else has, they worry not on the more important issues.

. Such a waste, I've become more cognizant of the environmental products I use and what foods I eat. What’s around me like my own friends and their own thinking on the environment and if it is a bad one could I can change their mind about it. Myaffect on what I can do to change my future where I could be loving it, not dreading it. That I believe will stay with me.

. An even bigger change has been on me, directly as a person. I am now more family involved, much more than I was before. I see that having a job whilst using all this “modern” technology (computers, two ways, cells) has made my time with family even that much more scarce. I quote the word modern because what is up to date today like the laptop your watching right now or the two way your typing on is obsolete tomorrow or even now. The only thing that never changes is family and you can not get more “modern” than that.

Food for thought, What’s the fastest computer in the world? It’s in ourselves,........, it’s the almighty BRAIN!....



-The writings by Robert D. Bullard in "Environment and Morality" is very freighting because it is just so blatant.-


Fletcher said...

I was looking at the comments you mention in the linked article, and there is one there who says he has never taken up the "religion" of global warming. "I have faith in a different higher power," he says.

How is it possible that people find it easier to believe in an invisible man living in the sky, than in the destruction of the planet (which you can actually see happening)?

People really will be the death of us all.

christina said...

you think buying 2 or 3 of the same sneaker for different color is bad try buying 2 or 3 of the same sneaker with the same color just cuz you love the style and wanna look real fresh. thats what i mean when we live in a fantasy world. material things are more important then the real issues we are facing today...sad but true!!

The World said...

Hey Brandon!!!

Great Blog!!! You are right we live in a world where things that matter are taking as secondary place, the sad part is that not all of us are realizing this and that’s why there are so many wrong things in this world. But I guess as we educate ourselves we become aware of many things…..

Doctor X said...

Bullard is a great source. The idea would be to pick an actual neighborhood/place where some of the things he mentions are actually happening before our very eyes. The reserach would not have to be conclusive (we don't have enough time); some preliminary conclusions would be fine.

NICE blog; thanks for the links

LovelyDiamond said...

I use to be the same way, i always had to have the latest sneakers and clothes had to match to the exact color. My whole world was revolved around music and clothes, until I finally realized there is WAY MORE TO LIFE than materialistic things. Now trying to tell people in hope they will realize it too can be difficult, but we should never stop trying!!