Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How I keep up with the news

I keep on the news through various ways;

I turn on my computer and already have the homepage to either Yahoo.com or CNN.com. I take a couple minutes and read about the the top news stories of the day.
When I go on the train I pick up a metro newspaper, which is free and I remember... "if it is free it is for me." News is news and even if it is free, sometimes the content is just the same.
I also occasionally use yahoo's video option because it loads rather quickly and is another convenient way of getting news, it gives you everything from jokes in news to actual hardpress news.
Another way I get my news is by talking with people, either my sister or my mother has something to say on world events and if I have no idea what they are talking about they will just tell me, yet again informing of current events.
I watch Lou Dobbs on CNN and Fox News at night. I like Lou Dobbs, he seems to be honest and asks hard questions to his guests. I cap it off by watching Sportscenter for news on sport events.

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