Sunday, April 27, 2008

Blog 7

TOPIC: race relations in lower 9th ward of katrina

These are some of my resources:


The reason I choose this is because of the injustices that have been done to minorities throughout this country, most notably by our own government. An example would be a president signing into law an agreement that the government will protect "Americans" from unlawful chemical sites, but when such a situation is reported they are slow to act, if at all. The report give clear and distinct examples of passe thoughts of minority standing and their obvious meaninglessness to the the government

Gives some more specific numbers involving the homes affected and the amount of debris left.

2006. Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires (eds). "There Is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Katrina". New York: Routledge.

I chose this book because it goes more in depth with the more specific issues of racism and classism as interpreted through two editors. Tells how and why African-Americans are at the bottom of the totem pole in New Orleans. Using tables and figures and testimony from people gives examples of frustration by citizens that for years have know this, but now the book sheds some light on it.


This website gives detailed images of the destruction "Katrina" caused to New Orleans. I will be using this website as a reference to pictures on the topic I am talking about.

Census Reports

This give me the before and after affects of hurrican katrina on the area. Including the poverty levels and the demographics of the people.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blog 6 - Reflect

. I think about having gone through this term so far and I am astounded at how people can be blind for so long, including myself open up and reflection.

. 1st off, people are blind because they want to be or let other people be their eyes and ears for most notably the republican administration without actually looking at the facts for themselves. When I was looking for a census poll to back this up I came up with this one from last year and I came up on this article that even thought I thought was bit off topic I felt was needed, The article is not what frightened me, it was the derogatory comments people left saying global warming is a figment of peoples imaginations, most notably Al Gores with cropped pictures of him.

. I guess I am just venting a bit...I have grown some since starting this class, I have now looked into my closet and thought to myself, what the hell was I thinking. I used to buy 2 or 3 versions of the same sneaker because of the color scheme looked good to me. How vein could I be?...I still like to where fashioned clothes but now I know that buying all that stuff makes people not focus on themselves as much as they should but because they are worried about what everyone else has, they worry not on the more important issues.

. Such a waste, I've become more cognizant of the environmental products I use and what foods I eat. What’s around me like my own friends and their own thinking on the environment and if it is a bad one could I can change their mind about it. Myaffect on what I can do to change my future where I could be loving it, not dreading it. That I believe will stay with me.

. An even bigger change has been on me, directly as a person. I am now more family involved, much more than I was before. I see that having a job whilst using all this “modern” technology (computers, two ways, cells) has made my time with family even that much more scarce. I quote the word modern because what is up to date today like the laptop your watching right now or the two way your typing on is obsolete tomorrow or even now. The only thing that never changes is family and you can not get more “modern” than that.

Food for thought, What’s the fastest computer in the world? It’s in ourselves,........, it’s the almighty BRAIN!....



-The writings by Robert D. Bullard in "Environment and Morality" is very freighting because it is just so blatant.-

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blog 5


Blog 5 is as follows:

B) write a short assessment/impression/reaction

1. Sustainable Cities Blog

. The team that runs this site is well informed on what is going on around them, in particular NYC. I love the fact that they give a candid opinion of what is happening, and who is doing it. Whether it is the MTA not foreseeing the downward spiral of the mortgage crisis may have an affect on the outlook for tax revenues or to acknowledge who is doing good amongst the world in Shakira Brown, who will be teaching from Antarctica. She is doing this to get minority kids interested in the sciences, Because there are relatively few African-Americans, Hispanics and American Indians work in the earth sciences. If your from NYC come here for input

2. Gristmill

. This site is massive in it’s sens of detail. It states the question, but gives a sustained answer or reasoning for its occurance. I particularly liked the question Why green jobs now? I love the fact that green jobs are needed, but this should have started like a century ago. The Lehman’s answer being well this planet is screwed, might as well be late than never...This site asks the tought more complicated questions that even if have no direct answer, thank you for even asking them. These questions boggle th mind, which eventually produce answers.
3. Green as a Thistle

. I like the fact that instead of talking about living the life, she actually did it, and that is something I can never say. Could I actually do it for a year? I mean there are some habits that I have grown accustomed too, namely the thing I’m typing on and I only had it since December, think about what I have been used since birth, like bottled formula to milk in a plastic container. I couldn’t. But after reading some of her experiences, I can. I like the fact that even though she has permanently written off some people for the beligerant attitudes towards the environment she goes back and gives them a thumbs up Like Nike for goal to be carbon neautral by 2011

4. No Impact Man

. This person represents a commoners standpoint of questions people ask on the bus but never have any factual informationto back it up, but he does, I like the scenario he presents when he brings up that people should be living incloser together in villages instead of suburbs and who travel together on public transit but they actually emit half the per capita greenhouse gas of Americans. Its very telling even on the scal that we live in and accustomed to should not be the norm. He asks common questions about companies Like if you cut down a community they then buy more stuff to make themself feel better about themselves...its ridiculous but true.
5. Eco Geeek

. This site is for the technology buffs who want to be on the latest of the eco-friendly products that are on or on the cusp of the market to come out. I particualry like that GE is coming out with a new type of watre heater. The water heater has not changed. Hank Green the person who wrote the article states "But because of a lack of consensus on how they should be regulated, and resistance from industry, their efficiency went completely unregulated." This all goes to the point that it is only changing be cause global warming is staring us down the throats and we need to change not the environment. I persoally willl be coming to this site on a regular basis for input on products for the better

C) Link to comment to one of the authors

D)link in your blog to one/some "green" blogs you have found through this exercise
National Science Foundation

Personal side note: now if you are from Jamaica Queens. I will be going to the "Melting Ice and Rising Tides: What Climate Change Means for New York.", which I found on the Sustainable Cities Blog. IF you want to join me, let me know.