Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sum up of candidate articles

Find two Web sites or articles (full-text only). One must be about Barack Obama and one must be about John McCain. For EACH article/Web site, identify:

John McCain

Site - thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com

Publisher- New York times Politics Blog by Michael Cooper

Audience- There is no real audience demographic, just the people interested in politics. If you want to get specific, it is garnered towards political people who are susceptible to political propaganda. Obama has written two books about himself, read them, enjoy them, then will there be an understanding.

Timeliness- Article is from as recent as possible; it was likely written within an hour of Mccain’s speech.

Sales hook – The sales hook in the article is that McCain is trying everything in his bag of tricks to change their view of Obama. He asks the audience in the speech if they really know about Obama, and his history of what he’s done politically. He wants to bring in question everything about him, in particular his political standing because he thinks the audience knows nothing about him.

I used the NY Times website and put in the word Obama, then clicked search


Barack Obama

Site - Factcheck.org

Publisher - Factcheck.org

Audience – The audience is aim toward political people, more importantly, to people who actually want to know the factual evidence behind the things Obama has said.

Timeliness – The article is from more than a month ago, but still has relevance because it is part of the message Obama has been preaching since his nomination.

Sales hook – The articles sales hook is that it is trying to sell you on the facts and not possible propaganda by a candidate.

I found the article by doing a yahoo search using the key words Obama and percent.

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