Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blog 2

As of this posting my NY Giants are hurting my feelings, I mean comeon OVERTIME!!

Anyway, I like being able to take an online course and actually use some of my online time and get credit for it. I like school and am always doing something school related on my laptop so it is an easy fit. This week has been fairly easy, a couple of essays a few chapters to read. I know whats to come in the coming weeks, work, work and more work. As of right now I am enjoying it, because I may not get any more Sundays to myself.

Enjoy this time because life always changes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blog 1

I am a 26 yr old college student; I stand at 5ft. 8in. I am a person who wants his future to be here already and since I have bullshitted a few years of my life to the immediate satisfaction with the other sex whilst not pursuing the more dominant goal of academic achievement.
I have always been into the law and arguing with anybody is second nature for me. I am also into politics and am going for a law degree after Laguardia and John Jay. Right now I'm taking a Research paper class, An introduction to language class and an Internship. To top it all off I am also Tutoring students for API which stands for Academic Peer Instruction. I basically have a full load of work for the semester.

I used to be a pudgy 240 lb and eworked my way to 169lb in 3 months through dedication and determination, so I figure school can't be any harder… some of my friends think I will have trouble getting to my goal, but you have to use these haters as fuel for your fire....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Day

School is in and I am ready to take it on. I am currently in LRC 103. 1492 and if you are from that class and am looking at my page, welcome.

Thinking, making or writing a blog is a process that I have liked. It chronicles your thoughts for that segment of time and lets people, including yourself see how you have changed and have grown. Take the blog seriously, as it lets you think about things in the open for everyone to see. I believe there are no mistakes in a blog as it is your own. Take in consideration though the thoughts of other people, what they may be thinking and a possible rebuke if necessary.

Have fun with the blog as I have.

Obviously this step, is just another step in my life, but I am thankful to be here to take it.

Brandon Vendryes (